domingo, 18 de julio de 2010

Neglecting the Blog

Well, I have been really really bad at updating this thing. I'm not really sure if anyone other than my Mom and grandmother read this (hi Mom and Nana!), but it has been a few months since I have actually sat down and written. The reasoning behind all of this neglect is that I have been EXTREMELY busy in the past few months getting my projects started and carried out through completion. The past few months have been a whirlwind of travel for Peace Corps related training sessions, visits from the bosses (including the head honcho of the entire environmental program for PC international), and juggling with the municipality. I will write a few different entries this week and backtrack on all of the things that have happened in the past few months in order to keep everyone updated on my life down here in Peru (which are a ton). So, to all who actually read this, I will get back on track. Don't be reports to Peace Corps I neglect as well. I am just really really really bad with reporting and filling out paperwork, even if it's as simple as this.

1 comentario:

  1. um you rock, I read, about as often as you update lol, but I do. can't wait to see you in a few months!
